Impacts of Drug Use  

Drug Addiction 11 July 2015 | 0 Comments


Singapore is not free of illegal drugs like other countries. In fact, illegal drugs are the common enemy of all nations. With this, it is crucial that we do something about it before it greatly impacts our lives and the people around us.


The good news is that the government is doing its best to rid illegal drugs. They started the fight long ago and recently listed the help of Jackie Chan to warn youths on how drugs can impact their lives. Jackie Chan is the first celebrity here in Singapore that was named the Anti-Drug Ambassador.

Many people scrutinized the choice knowing that Jackie Chan’s son was involved in drug crimes in Hong Kong. In fact, his son was released on February this year after serving 6 months sentence in relation to drug charges. For Jackie Chan, the experience made him all the more determined to fight against drugs. He saw what it can do.

Here’s how drug use impacts our life:


  • Our Body: Drug users tend to inflict physical injuries. When we are under the influence of drugs, we do things that we do not normally do. This will lead to accidents. Drugs can also influence violent behaviours. Let it be known that drugs can cause damage to our internal organs.
  • Our Well-Being: Drug use can effectively alter our emotional and mental states. I can cause strains within oneself and with other people. If we do not take drugs, we will feel stressed and depressed.
  • Our Future: Drugs can impact our future. If we are caught dealing, selling or using it, we will face jail time. This cannot be erased even if we are reformed.

Let this be our warning.


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