An Introvert’s Guide to Finding Love

Love and Relationships 19 August 2015 | 0 Comments

In general, being an introvert isn’t a bad thing. But when you’re looking into entering the love department, your introversion can become an obstacle. In order for you to find the girl or man of your dreams, you’ll need to leave your house and open up to new people. But take to heart: Meeting new people isn’t that scary and difficult if you just honour your introversion instead of fighting it. To make it even easier for you, we’ve rounded up some love tips that might lead you to the road of happily ever after.


  1. Know What You Are Looking For. Opposites attract or birds of the same feather? Interested in seeing an extrovert, or are you better off with a fellow introvert? Either way can work, depending on what you need and want from your partner. Giving this a little forethought will help you decide if you should look for a person who dances into the party, or someone who’s more than willing to sit on the side lines and observe the action.


  1. Learn to Say ‘Yes’. In order to find love, you’ll need to get out of there and search for it. So every time you get invited to a dinner party or a fix-up, say ‘yes.’ Just promise yourself that once you’ve had enough of the situation you’ve gotten yourself into, you’re allowed to go home. With this as your cardinal rule, saying yes to each party or date invites will be a lot easier.


  1. Consider Online Dating. Online dating may be ideal way to find love for introverts, since you’ll be able to take some time to think before you speak. Plus, getting to know the person online first can take a significant amount of stress off the small talks on your first date. Just remember to not let your emailing drag on for too long because you surely wouldn’t want to get all intimate online, only to find out that you don’t have any chemistry in real life.


  1. Join Up. Introverts are known to be not big joiners, but engaging in group activities actually has its own benefits. For one, it puts you in situations where chitchats are minimal; and allows you to get to know different people at your own pace. So even if you don’t get to meet someone dateable, at the very least, you’re doing something that interests you.


  1. Disengage Your Walls. Sending a verbal message that you don’t want to be bothered is one of strongest suit of an introvert. But you better learn to turn that vibe off when you’re in situations where you should be open to be chatted on. So uncross your arms, put your phone down and look around. Thinking that you’re approachable can also help you put out that approachable vibe.

Finding love requires some sacrifices, and for introverts, the sacrifices are going out in the world and opening up to different people. So if you’re dead serious about finding your other half, simply follow these tips and don’t let your introversion get the best of you.


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